Ajith played a cameo role in actor/director Suresh Chandra Menon debut directorial Paasamalargal. It is among the very first roles that Ajith has acted in Tamil. Here is his words about our Thala !
“Ajith is still the same warm, simple, caring person as he was when we first worked together 25 years ago. He worked on a few corporate and ad films with me in the early 90s. He also did a very small guest role in my film.
Success has not gone to his head and still he has his feet firmly on the ground. I met his dad and mom recently and realised he has got his charming demeanor from them.
Wishing him a very happy birthday”
Suresh Menon is making a comeback to Kollywood as an actor with films like 4G and Thaana Serndha Koottam.
Courtesy : Behindwoods